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Intuitive Astrology Forecast June 2020

June 09, 2020 12:58 PM

Change is in the air this month, but the Universe is on our side.We are rising into a new power, we are claiming our voice, and the Universe is giving us the time and a slower pace to navigate through this.

The key astrological events of June 2020 include two Eclipses, the Solstice, the rebirth of Venus, Mercury Retrograde, and Mars’ move into Aries. Let’s break down the significant dates so you know what to expect and how to navigate through this halfway point of the year.

June 3: The Rebirth of Venus

Venus went retrograde back on May 12, slowly disappearing from the night sky. On June 3, she will align with the Sun, reappearing as a morning star.This transition of Venus from a bright evening star to a morning star is considered the rebirth of Venus and a significant point on the Venus Retrograde cycle.Venus Retrograde is a time of heart healing. It is a time where we are drawn inward to clear through the blocks and barriers that prevent us from accessing the love that we are.

The Rebirth of Venus signifies a time where any healing inspired by Venus Retrograde has been completed, making way for our own rebirth.If you have felt themes around love, forgiveness, self-acceptance, communication, or relationship issues come up to the surface and you are looking for guidance, pay attention to the signs the Universe sends your way on this day.

Record your dreams, go within, for your heart energy is being reborn and a new clarity is likely to emerge.The Rebirth of Venus is also a power day to set heart-filled intentions of what you want to attract into your life when it comes to love.

June 5: Sagittarius Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

The last time we had a Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius was back in 2013, so this signifies the start of a new Eclipse cycle.The Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse is a potent one and will really be guiding us to shed and remove those layers that have held us back and made us feel small.This Eclipse is about stepping into our power, and removing the obstacles that we very often place ourselves. We are far more powerful and knowing than we give ourselves credit for, and we are going to be reminded us of this.

Mars is very active around this Eclipse, which means our emotions may be heated. There may be some unresolved anger floating to the surface, but it is important that we allow ourselves to feel all that arises.

Moving through the motions can bring a breakthrough, especially as we approach the next Eclipse.Lunar Nodes in Gemini and Sagittarius 2020-2023

June 17: Mercury Retrograde in Cancer
We have the second Mercury Retrograde of the year in the watery, soft sign of Cancer.

Soothing self-love and self-talk are going to be a theme of this retrograde.Words are likely to feel more powerful and carry more meaning, which means we can easily offend but also easily heal and soothe too.

Reading and learning from others can also bring deeper insights that help awaken us on an  intuitive level.This is a very sensitive retrograde but we can use it to our advantage by choosing words and thoughts that feel good.

June 20/21: Solstice and New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer
The Solstice brings the start of Cancer Season but also a New Moon Solar Eclipse. This is a powerful Eclipse and one of the most significant of the year.

Falling so close to the Solstice, this Solar Eclipse will bring a grand rebirth and will open a portal to a whole new dimension. A new dawn is awakening and this Eclipse kickstarts the energy.

The energy around this Eclipse feels very “new world” and it is likely that seeds will be planted that will help start the process.

This Eclipse is also linked to the Eclipses we had back in January 2020.

June 22: Neptune Retrograde in Pisces
As Neptune enters the underworld, we have a total of six planets in retrograde.Neptune is the planet of spirituality, escapism, creativity, and illusion. When it turns retrograde, we are guided on a journey inward to access information from deep within our soul.

Neptune Retrograde is a very subtle energy so we will feel this more on a subconscious level.

June 24/25: Venus Direct in Gemini
Venus moves out of retrograde but will take some time to get back to its former strength and energy.This is a time where we can reach greater clarity and understanding of whatever has been revealed to us in our relationships and heart during this retrograde period.

June 27: Mars Enters Aries
Mars changes signs roughly every 2 months, but moving into Aries is significant as that is where it will stay for the remainder of the year.

This long stay for Mars is due to its retrograde which happens later in September, but it also means that Mars has a lot of work to do in this area of the zodiac.

Mars in Aries is the strong warrior, so tuning in to this energy is going to be necessary as we move through the rest of the year.

During the month of June, we can use this energy to think about our goals and ambitions.We may feel more motivated to get things done and we may also feel a rush of new energy return to our body.

June 29: Retrograde Jupiter Aligns with Retrograde Pluto
The Jupiter Pluto alignment is a key feature of 2020 and happens three times. The first occurred back in April 2020, and now we have the second alignment.This alignment is typically synonymous with news about the global financial markets.On a personal level, we may be drawn to look at our financial situation, or to dive deeper into the energy of abundance.

When you really allow yourself to feel the energy of abundance, you realize that is so much greater than just material wealth.Abundance is the energy that brings opportunity, that sparks new ideas, and helps you to see the riches that are already around you.Tuning into abundance on this day can feeling healing and therapeutic.

Jupiter Pluto Conjunction 2020

June is indeed a busy month that is likely to bring breakthroughs, awakenings, and realizations.With the continued retrograde energy, things will be moving slowly, giving us time to process and digest. Even with the Eclipses, we will be able to take any twists and turns at a steady pace.

June is indeed a busy month that is likely to bring breakthroughs, awakenings, and realizations.With the continued retrograde energy, things will be moving slowly, giving us time to process and digest. Even with the Eclipses, we will be able to take any twists and turns at a steady pace.

As we reach the end of the month we will have one more Eclipse to prepare for, but we should be feeling hopeful and optimistic for the future. Dates:

June 3: Rebirth of Venus
June 5: Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse
June 17: Mercury Retrograde
June 20/21: Cancer Season, Solstice, and Cancer Solar Eclipse
June 22: Neptune Retrograde
June 24/25: Venus Direct
June 27: Mars enters Aries
June 29: Retrograde Jupiter Conjunct Retrograde Pluto

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